Everyone, This BE TaZ, i juS started this new shit so it gonna take me
a while to build up, anywayz, i jus wanna say that im 18, from JerZeyy...livin
in ElizabeTh and i jus graduated from mah phat a$$ skool ElizaBeTh hiGh...i
jUs wanNA giVE a shOut to all mah nIggaz ~~> DeW, AqU-LaLUuUU, Z, SwAtI,
mAh siS AmI, Sh0RtI, VisHAl, JorGE, GrEG, KaSh, Di$ha, mEetA, Jp, EliZAbeTh
+ EdisON hiGh niGgaZ, mah NIggAz FRom WoRk ~~> Ma$e, P, ChRis, RICHiEEEEE,
JimmYy, miKEyyYY, and da rest of mah TaRgET CReW...and of course mah girl
Noami =) ...and da rest of the dogz out there dat got mah bAk